IELTS WRITNG TASK 2: Some important facts about writing IELTS TASK2 which can boost your performance in IELTS Writing.
IELTS WRITNG TASK 2: Some important facts about writing IELTS TASK2 which can boost your performance in IELTS Writing. Writing a 250-word essay in 40 minutes is no easy task. And if you aren’t allowed to use the Internet, ask for help, or even use your computer, this can be a real challenge. If you have been prepping for the IELTS essay, you will know exactly what I mean. When I chat with people getting ready to write, they often say the same thing – I can learn vocab, grammar, paragraphs, and essay organization . They tell me that am not a big problem. The problem, they say, is how to think of ideas for the essay. They also are often worried of getting an essay question they know NOTHING about. Like, what if you get a question about Russian history , or plants that grow in the desert , or just something you don’t have ideas about? Let’s get to the bottom of this. How does IELTS score you on your essay ideas anyway? The easiest way to ch...